WellesleyWeston Magazine


Launched in 2005, WellesleyWeston Magazine is a quarterly publication tailored to Wellesley and Weston residents and edited to enrich the experience of living in two of Massachusetts' most desirable communities.

Issue link: https://wellesleywestonmagazine.epubxp.com/i/256387

Contents of this Issue


Page 66 of 211

sweet. He perfected the recipe in his kitchen, Nalebuff came up with the name. On its website, Honest Tea boosts that it's the nation's best- selling "ready-to-drink organic bottled tea." No surprise, the maker's mom is among its fans. Lunching at the cafeteria across from her office, Goldman proudly plucked a bottle off the shelf. She and her husband were the first outside investors in the company, unfazed that Seth had left a secure job at a mutual funds firm. "Whenever I was in a tight spot – which in the beginning was often – they were always offering to invest more," he said. Now that she's 83, we see our mother in all her glory Children and grandkids Her colleagues, her office Her country home in Wellesley Say Hurrah, Hurrah A model for all to see, it's turned out so beautifully Say Hurrah, Hurrah Seth said that his family often jokes about his mother's "incredible" optimism. Clouds may cover nine tenths of the sky, but she'll see just the sliver that's blue. In looking at China's future, Goldman pins her hopes on its young. "Students who come here from China have tremendous admiration for American society. They look upon it as kind of a mecca. They don't have the criticisms Americans have about America." An interviewer asked her how democracy could work in a nation of 1.3 billion when it barely seems to function in the United States, a nation a tenth as populous. "You sound like Mao Zedong," Goldman shot back. "What about India? Isn't it almost one billion?" 65 s p r i n g 2 0 1 4 | W e l l e s l e y W e s t o n M a g a z i n e an interview with merle goldman 056-065_WWMa14_face2face_v3_WWM_interview 2/1/14 3:47 PM Page 65

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