WellesleyWeston Magazine


Launched in 2005, WellesleyWeston Magazine is a quarterly publication tailored to Wellesley and Weston residents and edited to enrich the experience of living in two of Massachusetts' most desirable communities.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 93 of 211

"Since it is nearly impossible to practice being truly retired, you should leave work understanding that if retirement isn't what you thought, it's okay to go back to work," says Bill Cadigan, President of Wellesley Investment Partners. "There are plenty of rewarding ways to use your time constructively in a professional environment, paid or unpaid." Some people choose to start new careers as they approach this next phase. After spending many years in a series of high-tech start-ups, Gregory Kee decided to pursue a second passion: teaching math to high school students. After the company for which he worked was sold, Kee tested out a new career by substitute teaching. Within a short period of time, it became abundantly clear to him and his wife that this was what he wanted to be doing fulltime. "Greg is thriving, even though he is working harder than he ever has," his wife Claudia Krimsky says. As for the timing of his career change, she says, "It could not have been better. He is a phenomenal teacher because he has been such a great hands-on and understanding dad. His personal experiences as a parent afforded him insights into the lives of teens, including what motivates them and concerns them." Sometimes both partners explore new options concurrently. After spending several years raising children and volunteering in a variety of capacities, Krimsky is now exploring new career options including returning to the private sector. Drawing upon her business back- ground, she recently produced the first TedXNewEngland Conference. Others, like the Brakeman's, are applying their professional skills in a different environment, often by taking on key roles in nonprofit organizations. By adapting and applying the management skills they developed while working in the private sector, the pair is teaming up with South African organizations like ALA and the Kliptown Youth Program to advance the development of global innovators and entre- 92 W e l l e s l e y W e s t o n M a g a z i n e | s p r i n g 2 0 1 4 Are You Ready to Retire? Questions for both you and your spouse or partner to consider: n What am I most looking forward to? n What am I most worried about? n What is most important to me during my retirement? n What gives me a sense of meaning and purpose? n Can I make a list of what I want to do, finish, learn, give back, explore, and see? n What would I be disappointed if I was not able to do? n Have I heard and understood the feelings, desires, and concerns of my spouse/partner? n Do I/we have appropriate expectations regarding our time together, alone, with friends, traveling, spending, and volunteering? n Are we talking about it? n Do I have the daily support I need if I choose to be at home fulltime? n Do I have short-term and long-term goals for myself? n Am I open to new experiences and re-inventing myself? Assessing Your Emotional Retirement Readiness D R . S A L LY O U R I E F F writer M E D I A B A K E R Y 090-102_WWMa14_ready to retire_v3_WellesleyWeston Magazine 2/1/14 4:33 PM Page 92

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