WellesleyWeston Magazine


Launched in 2005, WellesleyWeston Magazine is a quarterly publication tailored to Wellesley and Weston residents and edited to enrich the experience of living in two of Massachusetts' most desirable communities.

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Page 209 of 211

208 W e l l e s l e y W e s t o n M a g a z i n e | s p r i n g 2 0 1 4 my family lives in the Standish Estates, a neigh- borhood tucked behind Mass Bay Community College. Traffic rushes past on Route 9, and on still days we can hear I-95; it is easy to be en route to somewhere else. But I relish staying home, because our neighborhood feels like it is part of the 150-acre Town Forest and nearby Centennial Park. I live a "country" life, yet am only 11 miles from Boston Common. The focal point of the neighborhood is Longfellow Pond, which, despite its many charms, is not as well known as Lake Waban or Morses Pond. I recall visiting a real estate open house, walking directly into the woods instead of looking at the property first. The light behind the trees suggested water, always an attraction. Longfellow Pond is the dammed portion of Rosemary Brook, a long waterway surrounded by glacial formations. It is ringed by a path, part of which is an old car- riage road that led to a long-gone nail factory and ice house. Trails reach into the forest, including a steep incline to the Fiske School neighborhood. After years of living next to Longfellow Pond, I consider it a canvas for the seasons. In spring, green goslings huddle with their watchful parents. In summer, lily pads and inva- sive "water chestnuts" cover the water; these are replaced in autumn by floating leaves. In winter there is usually a sheen of ice, sometimes thick enough for skating, sometimes visible only in small areas that have been cleared of snow. Mallards swim in the unfrozen inlet, their little orange feet so impervi- ous to cold. It is a cliché to note that seasons turn into years, but observ- ing the passage of time is a big part of my home experience. The baby who gazes at the treetops later walks to school at Fiske and, later still, introduces young adult friends to the woods. The puppy who drags an owner down the path eventually needs that owner to make rest stops around the path. Willow trees are planted, grow rapidly, sustain storm damage, and are replaced. People visit from around town, from local colleges, and from other communities, but I'm most aware of the neighbors who pass my house; in two decades children have grown up, spouses have passed away, gaits have slowed, houses have changed hands. The neighbors who frequent the forest know that we share it with animals. Ducks and geese are ubiquitous, but the pond is also hospitable to herons, mergansers, and hawks. Turtles sun themselves and lumber from the water to lay eggs. There are foxes, coyotes, deer, and snakes, mosquitoes, spiders, and gnats. The wildlife lends a timeless quality to the area. While the people and dwellings of the neighborhood continue to change, the pond and forest remain a refuge and anchor. We benefit from nature's rhythms, and I hope nature will benefit from our stewardship. narrative capturing a moment suburban sketches creative expressions your voice painting a portrait reflections Living on Nature ' s Border N A O M I L U F T C A M E R O N writer last but not least Be Creative This page is designed to give our readers the opportunity to express themselves creatively. If you have a short piece of fiction (300-500 words), a poem, illustration, or photo- graph depicting life in Wellesley and Weston, we would love to hear from you. Please e-mail your submissions to jill@wellesley- westonmagazine.com. 208_WWMa14_last not least_Nature_v2_WellesleyWeston Magazine 2/2/14 2:21 PM Page 208

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